Regular Expression Matching
Given an input string (s) and a pattern (p), implement regular expression matching with support for . and *, . matches any single character, * matches zero or more of the preceding element. The matching should cover the entire input string (not partial).
s could be empty and contains only lowercase letters a-z.
p could be empty and contains only lowercase letters a-z, and characters like . or *.
1. 递归算法
- len(p) >= 2 and p[1] = *,则需要分类讨论:
- p[0] 匹配了0个,则可以直接判断 s 和 p[2:] ;
- p[0] 至少匹配了1个,则可以判断 s[1:] 和 p ;
- len(p) < 2,可以直接判断;
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2. 动态规划
dp[i][j] 表示 s 的前 i 个字符和 p 的前 j 个字符是否匹配,具体 dp 迭代更新与上述相同。其中 j >= 2 and dp[i][j-2]
表示不扩展当前的 * ,即认为此次匹配了0个。 i >= 1 and j >= 2 and dp[i-1][j] and p[j-2] in {s[i-1], '.'}
表示扩展当前的 * ,即认为此次匹配了1个。
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